Citazione Stile APA (7a Edizione)

Canguilhem, G., & Foucault,Michel. (2007). The normal and the pathological: Georges Canguilhem. With an introd. by Michel Foucault (5. print.). Zone Books.

Citazione stile Chigago Style (17a edizione)

Canguilhem, Georges, e Foucault,Michel. The Normal and the Pathological: Georges Canguilhem. With an Introd. by Michel Foucault. 5. print. New York: Zone Books, 2007.

Citatione MLA (8a ed.)

Canguilhem, Georges, e Foucault,Michel. The Normal and the Pathological: Georges Canguilhem. With an Introd. by Michel Foucault. 5. print. Zone Books, 2007.

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