Citazione Stile APA (7a Edizione)

Henke, H., & Magister,Karl-Heinz. Constructing vernacular culture in the trans-Caribbean: Introduction / Holger Henke. Karl-Heinz Magister. Constructing vernacular culture in the trans-Caribbean.(2008).

Citazione stile Chigago Style (17a edizione)

Henke, Holger, e Magister,Karl-Heinz. "Constructing Vernacular Culture in the Trans-Caribbean: Introduction / Holger Henke. Karl-Heinz Magister." Constructing Vernacular Culture in the Trans-Caribbean.(2008) .

Citatione MLA (8a ed.)

Henke, Holger, e Magister,Karl-Heinz. "Constructing Vernacular Culture in the Trans-Caribbean: Introduction / Holger Henke. Karl-Heinz Magister." Constructing Vernacular Culture in the Trans-Caribbean.(2008), .

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