Citação APA (7ª ed.)

Exhibition(London):1988.10.12-1989.01.17, Bomford,David, Brown,Christopher, Roy,Ashok, & Rembrandt<HarmenszvanRijn>. (1990). Art in the making: Rembrandt ; [exhibition, The National Gallery London, 12 October 1988 - 17 January 1989] / David Bomford ; Brown, Christopher ; Roy, Ashok. National Gallery.

Citação do estilo Chicago (17ª ed.)

Exhibition(London):1988.10.12-1989.01.17, Bomford,David, Brown,Christopher, Roy,Ashok, e Rembrandt<HarmenszvanRijn>. Art in the Making: Rembrandt ; [exhibition, The National Gallery London, 12 October 1988 - 17 January 1989] / David Bomford ; Brown, Christopher ; Roy, Ashok. London: National Gallery, 1990.

Citação MLA (8ª ed.)

Exhibition(London):1988.10.12-1989.01.17, et al. Art in the Making: Rembrandt ; [exhibition, The National Gallery London, 12 October 1988 - 17 January 1989] / David Bomford ; Brown, Christopher ; Roy, Ashok. National Gallery, 1990.

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