Comparative literature East and West : traditions and trends : selected conference papers / ed. by Cornelia N. Moore ; Raymond A. Moody

Sonraí bibleagrafaíochta
Rannpháirtithe: Moore,CorneliaN (Eagarthóir), Moody,RaymondA (Eagarthóir)
Formáid: LEABHAR
Foilsithe / Cruthaithe: Honolulu, Hawaii : College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, Univ. of Hawaii [u.a.], 1989
Sraith:Literary studies: East and West 1
Ábhair/píosaí:25 taifead
Cur síos
Cur síos fisiciúil:XV, 219 S.
Gairmuimhir:VL 0 */Com