The complete works : Tomás Rivera. Ed. by Julián Olivares

Bibliografski detalji
Glavni autor: Rivera, Tomás (Autor)
Daljnji autori: Olivares,Julián (Urednik)
Format: Knjiga
Izdano: Houston, Tex. : Arte Público Pr., 1995
Izdanje:2. print.
  • El año perdido
  • "Lo que nunca supo ..."
  • Los niños no se aguantaron
  • "Se había dormido ..."
  • Un rezo
  • "Comadre, ?Para qué van tanto a la escuela?"
  • La mano en la bolsa
  • "Faltaba una hora ..."
  • La noche estaba plateada
  • "Una tarde el ministro ..."
  • ... y no se lo tragó la tierra
  • "El abuelo quedó paralizado ..."
  • Primera comunión
  • "La profesora se asombró ..."
  • Los quemaditos
  • "Fue un dia muy bonito ..."
  • La noche que se apagaron las luces
  • "Poquito antes de las seis ..."
  • La noche buena
  • "Antes de que la gente se fuera ..."
  • El retrato
  • "Ya soltaron a Figueroa"
  • Cuando Ileguemos
  • "Bartolo pasaba por el pueblo ..."
  • Debajo de la casa
  • Las salamandras
  • El Pete Fonseca
  • Eva y Daniel
  • La cosecha
  • Zoo Island
  • La cara en el espejo
  • En busca de Borges
  • The lost Year
  • "What his mother never knew ..."
  • The children couldn't wait
  • "She had fallen asleep ..."
  • A prayer
  • "Comadre, do you all plan to go to Utah?"
  • It's that it hurts
  • "Why do y'all go to school so much?"
  • Hand in his pocket
  • "It was one hour before ..."
  • A silvery night
  • "One afternoon a minister ..."
  • ... And the earth did not devour him
  • "A stroke left the grandfather paralyzed ..."
  • First Communion
  • "The teacher was surprised ..."
  • The little burnt victims
  • "It was a beautiful wedding day"
  • The night the lights went out
  • "A little before six ..."
  • The night before Christmas
  • "Before people left for up north ..."
  • The portrait
  • "They let Figueroa out"
  • When we arrive
  • "Bartolo passed through ..."
  • Under the house
  • The Salamanders
  • On the road to Texas: Pete Fonseca
  • Eva and Daniel
  • The Harvest
  • Zoo Island
  • Inside the window
  • Looking for Borges
  • Poetics
  • The Rooster crows en Iowa y en Texas
  • De niño - De joven - De viejo
  • Hide the old people or American idearium
  • Siempre el domingo
  • Odio
  • M'ijo no mira nada
  • Me lo enterraron
  • Seeds in the hour of seeds
  • Young voices
  • Perfection of perfections
  • Always
  • Another Me
  • This Solitude
  • The Overalls
  • Sojndless words
  • A most tired word
  • Past possessions
  • Run, Puff, Run, Run
  • Ennui
  • Autumn and winter
  • When love to be
  • The Child
  • The Eyes of a child
  • Alone
  • A blas de Otero
  • The searchers
  • Searching at Leal middle school
  • En la hora de las semillas
  • Noon-night
  • Las voces del olvido
  • Do not forget Me
  • Nacimiento
  • El despertar
  • Awakening
  • Palabras
  • Estoy como estás
  • La vida por fin empezó
  • Finally life began
  • To walk beyond the door
  • Another day
  • Not unlike the wind
  • A flower
  • Soy una palabra
  • Fake or Fink
  • Eternity
  • I go to church at Veterans's Place
  • Desátate
  • From the past
  • Through the window
  • We didn't bury him
  • My life
  • La luz
  • Into the labyrinth : the Chicano in literature
  • Chicano literature : fiesta of the living
  • Recuerdo, Descubrmiento y Voluntad en el Proceso Imaginativo Literario
  • Remembering, discovery and volition in the literary imaginative process
  • Critical approaches to Chicano literature and its dynamic intimacy
  • On Chicano literature
  • The great plains as refuge in Chicano literature
  • Chicano literature : the establishment of community
  • Richard Rodriguez' "Hunger of memory" as humanistic antithesis