
Schade, R. E. Martin Böhme's Judith (1618): An anti-catholic drama on the reformation centenary / Richard E. Schade. Theatrum Europaeum : Festschrift für Elida Maria Szarota.(1982).


Schade, Richard E. "Martin Böhme's Judith (1618): An Anti-catholic Drama on the Reformation Centenary / Richard E. Schade." Theatrum Europaeum : Festschrift Für Elida Maria Szarota.(1982) .


Schade, Richard E. "Martin Böhme's Judith (1618): An Anti-catholic Drama on the Reformation Centenary / Richard E. Schade." Theatrum Europaeum : Festschrift Für Elida Maria Szarota.(1982), .

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